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Creating clarity - clearing up myths

Der ibex fairstay Weiterbildungs- und Netzwerktag vom 16. Januar 2024 begeisterte mit wertvollen und praxisnahen Inputreferaten und Praxisbeispielen von Hoteliers, Referenten und Unternehmern. Diese haben überzeugt und die immer noch vorhandenen Mythen klar widerlegt.

Myth 1: Sustainability stands for left-wing, green, alternative, instructive

That was once upon a time - today is a new era! The beaming teams of the certified establishments show a completely different picture of the hotels awarded for their comprehensive sustainability: they are young, modern, lively, innovative, future-oriented and exceptionally hospitable.

Myth 2: Sustainability makes operations more expensive

The opposite is true - sustainability is not expensive, it only improves the offer! There are a large number of operational and organizational measures that hardly cost anything, but have a big impact overall, such as saving water and energy, reducing laundry, reducing waste, optimizing employee deployment, reducing staff turnover, etc.

Myth 3: Sustainability worsens results

Wrong! Viewed over a medium-term period, the balance of investment, operational and organizational measures for sustainability in hotel operations is always positive. Top establishments, whether in the city, in the countryside or in Alpine destinations, find that their sustainability management clearly pays off in economic terms and therefore also makes sense in purely financial terms. This is not least thanks to the above-average motivation of all employees, who identify strongly with the focus on sustainability.

Myth 4: Sustainability is a marketing ploy - a USP

It is not! Sustainability management primarily has an internal effect, in the management, the identification and shared responsibility of the employees, the authentic embedding of the businesses in the regional culture, the regional offer, the (inter)connection with the suppliers, the local anchoring. Sustainability is not loud per se and therefore less suitable as an advertising argument. Much more effective is the concrete result: Homemade food at the breakfast buffet, regional dishes, fossil-free heating, voluntary service for the community, sensitizing guests to the economical use of resources.

Roland Zegg, Präsident ibex fairstay

More information about the ibex fairstay training and networking day with a photo gallery can be found here.

More information on the get-together the evening before, including a photo gallery.

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