Das Nachhaltigkeitslabel für Beherbergungs- und Gastronomiebetriebe
Your specialists for sustainability in the hotel and accommodation industry.
Your advantages with the ibex fairstay label.
An ibex fairstay award takes you to a new level of sustainability. Our label gives you seriousness and credibility. It makes you a role model for sustainable tourism in the German-speaking Alpine region.
1. saving resources
2. management tool & quality instrument
3. independent label
4. location determination with clear parameters
5. guest and employee sensitization and loyalty
6. credible, verifiable communication
7. holistic responsibility
Take the step towards a sustainable future.
Get certified with the ibex fairstay label.
«Die Standortbestimmung und Analyse während dem Zertifizierungsprozess brachten auf Papier, was wir in den vergangenen
Jahren im Nachhaltigkeitsbereich in Bewegung gesetzt haben. Das macht uns stolz und darauf können wir aufbauen.»

"I was able to contact the ibex fairstay office if I had any questions. The exchange took place on an equal footing and in a supportive manner. The audit was also constructive."

"The fact that society often only associates sustainability with ecology bothers me. I appreciate the fact that ibex fairstay also takes other aspects, such as social commitment, into account and acknowledges them accordingly."

"Thanks to the assessment by ibex fairstay, we know where we stand. It's a great foundation and an important motivator to keep improving and, above all, to go deeper."

"In terms of energy consumption, we can't keep up with a new building, so we have focused on sustainability dimensions such as social commitment and regionality, which we can influence."

"By switching from ISO to ibex fairstay, we have opted for a certification tailored to the hotel industry. The ibex fairstay management tool strengthens our commitment to sustainability."

"Sustainability is not something that can be decided by a board of directors, a CEO or a sustainability officer; it has to be practiced by every single employee. A suitable tool, such as ibex fairstay, is very helpful for this."

"We need a culture of sustainability in practice. This is an enrichment for the guests, for the employees, for the companies and for the environment!"

"Sustainability in the hotel industry goes far beyond the careful use of resources. It is part of holistic, responsible quality management that also takes social, regional and economic aspects into account."