Das Nachhaltigkeits­label für Beherbergungs­- und Gastronomie­betriebe

Your specialists for sustainability in the hotel and accommodation industry.

Your advantages with the ibex fairstay label.

An ibex fairstay award takes you to a new level of sustainability. Our label gives you seriousness and credibility. It makes you a role model for sustainable tourism in the German-speaking Alpine region.

1. saving resources

2. management tool & quality instrument

3. independent label

4. location determination with clear parameters

5. guest and employee sensitization and loyalty

6. credible, verifiable communication

7. holistic responsibility

Take the step towards a sustainable future.

Get certified with the ibex fairstay label.

Our vision.

"Of course I'm interested in the future. After all, I want to spend the rest of my life in it." - Mark Twain -